Sunday, March 2, 2008

Teenage Suicide

Our group, A Hyun, Ryo and I, decided to find out how people in America think about teenage suicide. I wanted to examine what makes people feel stress. Also, I wanted to know how many people don’t know how often teenage suicide happen per year. More over how many people think teenage suicide would decrease. Our group asked thirty people who are different gender and age in Student Center, Faner Hall, and Neely Hall.

I have three hypotheses about teenage suicide. First, I believed that friend relationship made most people feel stress. Next, I believed that about 75% of the people thought the number of teenage suicide lower than it really happens. Third, I believed that more people thought that teenage suicide did not decrease. Actually, academic pressure makes the most people feel stress. 47% of the people feel stress because of academic pressure and 30% of the people do because of friend relationship. More people don’t know how often teenage suicide happens per year. Teenage suicide happens over 3000 per year. However, more people think that teenage suicide happen 501-1000. Some people said they do not want to believe that teenage suicide happens many times. Lastly, more people think that teenage suicide will decrease. 54% of the people think that teenage suicide will decrease. I think many Americans think teenage suicide is a big problem and they think and know how they can help teenagers who attempt commit a suicide. I hope teenage suicide would decrease and vanish.

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